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OEM Clamp Sensor Back Plate Magnetic Sensor Clamp Sensor LED
OEM Clamp Sensor
Our Price: $44.00
Clamp Sensor LED
Our Price: $49.87
Magnetic Clamp Timing Sensor (2 hole mount)
3 pin male plug (5om)

There is no returns, exchange or refunds on Electrical or Electronic Components.

Back Plate Distance Magnetic Sensor (2 hole mount)
3 pin male plug (3om)

There is no returns, exchange or refunds on Electrical or Electronic Components.

Magnetic Clamp Sensor LED Reader (2 hole mount) 3 pin (3om to 5om)
Works on clamp or back plate rear position.
Cut Cycle Sensor Rear Mount Cut Cycle Sensor End Mount Cut Cycle Sensor End Mount
Cut Cycle Sensor (Flag Sensor)
3 pin plug in bottom mount
There are no returns, exchanges or refunds on electrical or electronic parts.
Cut Cycle Sensor (Flag Sensor)
3 pin plug in from side or bottom
There are no returns, exchanges or refunds on electrical or electronic parts.
Cut Cycle Sensor (Flag Sensor)
4 pin plug in from side or bottom
There are no returns, exchanges or refunds on electrical or electronic parts.